
To create tasks and make them availbe you will need to create two classes;

  • <name>Config.java
  • <name>Task.java

The jdo.files will also need to be created/updated.

You will also need to add the task classes to the main module


@PersistenceCapable(detachable = "true", table = "spark_dummy")
public class SparkDummyConfig implements TaskConfigIf {

    public static final String displayLabel = "Spark Get Inventory";
    private long configEntryId;
    private long actionId;

    @FormField(label = "Spark Array IP", help = "spark Array IP Address", mandatory = true)
    @UserInputField(type = WorkflowInputFieldTypeDeclaration.IPADDRESS)
    private String  ipAddress = "";

    @FormField(label = "Spark Username", help = "spark username", mandatory = true, type = FormFieldDefinition.FIELD_TYPE_TEXT)
    @UserInputField(type = SparkConstants.GENERIC_TEXT_INPUT)
    private String  username;

    @FormField(label = "Password", help = "Password", mandatory = true, type = FormFieldDefinition.FIELD_TYPE_PASSWORD)
    @UserInputField(type = SparkConstants.PASSWORD)
    private String  password;


public class SparkDummyTask extends AbstractTask {

    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( SparkDummyTask.class );

    public void executeCustomAction(CustomActionTriggerContext context,
                    CustomActionLogger actionLogger) throws Exception {
            SparkDummyConfig config = (SparkDummyConfig) context.loadConfigObject();

            String username = config.getUsername();
            String password = config.getPassword();
            String ipAddress = config.getIpAddress();

            String arrayName = "";

    /* Code */

    public TaskConfigIf getTaskConfigImplementation() {
            return new SparkDummyConfig();

    public String getTaskName() {
            return SparkDummyConfig.displayLabel;

    public TaskOutputDefinition[] getTaskOutputDefinitions() {
            return null;


//Each package with config classes should have a file called jdo.files
//Each config class should be listed in the format below
//This file informs the build file which classes need to go through JDO enhancement

Main Module

    public AbstractTask[] getTasks() {
            AbstractTask task1   = new SparkDummyTask();
            AbstractTask task2   = new SparkMessageCreateTask();

            AbstractTask[] tasks = new AbstractTask[2];
            tasks[0]  = task1;
            tasks[1]  = task2;

            return tasks;